A Simple New Way to Approach and
Attract Women Anytime, Anywhere!
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- Easily approach any woman with total confidence and without fear of rejection.
- Instantly connect with her so you can flirt and have a fun conversation.
- Proven charismatic body language, eye contact and voice inflection techniques that make her want you on a primal and subconscious level
- These questions will make her aroused and feel intimate emotions of love and sex which cause her to become psychologically attracted to you.
All Methods are Based on Proven
In order to have a successful relationship, it’s critical to start with a solid foundation prior to your search. Below are some great tips to prepare yourself for a successful relationship...

What you need to know before you start dating
When we go searching for our perfect partner, we need to go to the Interpersonal Marketplace, better known as the 'Dating Marketplace' to find them. The Interpersonal Marketplace reasons that who we match up and connect with greatly depends on...

How 1/2 of singles now meet, and how 1/3rd get married
I’m going to show you how more than half of the singles in America are now meeting and hooking up today. You’ll also see how more than a third of new marriages are starting.
USA Today reported these findings in June of 2013 based on a research project conducted at the University of Chicago of more than 19,000 singles nationwide

If you Want to be More Selective, you Need More Options
In this article, you’re going to see why you should market yourself like you would your home, or any other item of great value. By doing this, you’ll have more options, more candidates to choose from, you can be more selective, plus you’ll make it happen so much faster.

How to be Selective When Choosing A Mate
In this section, we’re going to explore the answer to how selective can or should you be when it comes to selecting a mate. The simplest answer is that the more options you have, the more selective you can become, and the faster you can achieve your objective.
When you market your home or your car, do you just throw up a for sale sign and wait for the best offer? When you apply for a job, do you just scribble your resume on a napkin and pass it out? When looking for the best girlfriend possible, learn how to market yourself like a real pro.

How To Create The Dating Profile That Gets The Most Responses
If you've ever been to the movies, I'm sure you've seen the trailers for upcoming movies. A movie trailer condenses the best parts of a film into a two or three minute scene. Its purpose is to compel you to want to see the movie.

How to take your main photo - the key to a successful dating profile
The single most important factor for your success in online dating is your main photo. It will determine whether or not someone is even going to look at your profile, much less be interested in you. That’s why it’s so critical to take many photos so you will have that one photo that puts you in the best light. Take about a hundred or more if you can.

How to create a clever username so it boosts your exposure
You’ll want to create an original username that you will use not only for your e-mail address, but one that you can also use as a username for your relationship resume. You’ll understand later why it will prove to be a big benefit to you.

How to create clever captions for your dating profile photos
One of the most overlooked features of a great relationship resume is the power of a funny or provocative caption under a photo. I have gotten more positive comments and attention from clever captions I’ve used than my bio itself.
Your goal is to:
- To add interest and humor to your pictures
- To create more attraction
- To help them start a conversation with you
Whether you’re marketing a home, a car, or even yourself in this case, you should narrowly define your target audience, present a carefully crafted presentation, and sell it with the proper communication skills and techniques

How to choose the best dating website(s)
The latest research shows that there are over 2,500 dating websites in the U.S. alone – and over 10,000 worldwide. Many are free, however not all are reputable. You can find a website for nearly any type of subculture that exists.

How to Make Contact with and Respond to Online Daters
In this article, you're going to learn how to:
- Create attention, interest then rapport with those who contact you and with those whom you wish to contact
- Communicate in a way that they'll want to write back
- Establish a fun and playful rapport with those you wish to engage with
- Learn how to transition to set up the initial encounter

How to become more confident when meeting new dates
If you want to be the cool, confident person that attracts others, and you don’t want to be afraid to approach an attractive person you want to meet, then you need to learn the mindset, body language and habits that others are instinctively attracted to.

Advanced internet dating - the reconnaissance profile
If you really want to excel in online dating, an advanced and enlightening technique that really gives you insight into what works best and to see what the competition is doing is create what’s called a “reconnaissance profile”.
Who you choose as your mate/partner/lover to spend your life with can be the most important decision you’ll make towards your future happiness. Making the wrong choice can ruin your life. If you market yourself correctly, you'll have more options and you can be more selective.

How To Narrowly Define The Type Of Person You're Looking For
If you're looking for your perfect partner, doesn't it make sense to first know what you're looking for? One of the first things you need to do is narrowly define the type of person you're looking for.

How To Rate Your Dates And Compare Them With Your Ideal Partner Profile
In this article, you’re going to see why you should market yourself like you would your home, or any other item of great value. By doing this, you’ll have more options, more candidates to choose from, you can be more selective, plus you’ll make it happen so much faster.

How And Why We Are Attracted To Someone (Part I)
Our mind and bodies are such finely tuned attraction seeking machines, and it only takes a second to intuitively decide whether a person is physically attractive to us or not.

How And Why We Are Attracted To Someone (Part II)
A number of studies have shown that people and rats are more attracted to things they are familiar with. Repeated exposure alone is enough to enhance our attitude towards other things and other people. Social psychologist Dr. Robert Zajonc has conducted numerous experiments demonstrating the effects of 'mere exposure.'
Now that you've found your ideal love match, you'll want to know how to deepen and strengthen your connection to truly experience the power of love.

Connecting Involves the 12 Stages of Courtship
When we go searching for our perfect partner, we need to go to the Interpersonal Marketplace, better known as the 'Dating Marketplace' to find them. The Interpersonal Marketplace reasons that who we match up and connect with greatly depends on...

How to plan a successful first encounter
In this chapter, you’re going to learn the importance of the first impression you make when you first meet a potential lover, because each following impression you make can be interpreted and magnified in a positive or negative way, depending upon your first impression.

How to make a strong connection with someone you desire...
To truly connect with someone, you need to first like them and trust them - and vice versa. There are a number of ways you can make this happen, consciously and unconsciously.

How to attract and seduce with body language
It's not what you say but how you say it that commands interest and attention. Dr. Joyce Brothers writes, 'Less than 10 percent of what we communicate to other people is conveyed by words. About 35 percent comes from the way we speak, the tone of voice, whether we mumble or shout. The other 55 percent comes from body movements and facial expressions.'